


Dr. Andreas Gruenzig

Dr. Andreas Gruenzig

Dr. Andreas Gruenzig







Visual Identity

Visual Identity



Brand Design

Brand Design





During my time at Wondr Medical, I was entrusted with the redesign of the visual identity for the Emory Practical Intervention Course (EPIC), a prestigious program at the forefront of medical interventions. This course plays a pivotal role in advancing interventional cardiology, attracting leading experts and practitioners from around the world. The challenge was to craft a wordmark logo that embodied both the cutting-edge nature of modern medical advancements and the historical significance of the course. A key aspect of this redesign was honoring the legacy of Dr. Andreas Gruentzig, the visionary pioneer behind balloon angioplasty, whose groundbreaking work laid the foundation for contemporary interventional cardiology. My approach focused on developing a visual identity that bridged tradition and innovation. The typography and design elements were carefully selected to reflect precision, expertise, and progress, ensuring the logo not only resonated with medical professionals but also aligned with the esteemed reputation of Emorys program. Through thoughtful design choices, I created a logo that seamlessly integrates historical reverence with modern sophistication, reinforcing EPICs position as a leader in interventional medicine.

During my time at Wondr Medical, I was entrusted with the redesign of the visual identity for the Emory Practical Intervention Course (EPIC), a prestigious program at the forefront of medical interventions. This course plays a pivotal role in advancing interventional cardiology, attracting leading experts and practitioners from around the world. The challenge was to craft a wordmark logo that embodied both the cutting-edge nature of modern medical advancements and the historical significance of the course. A key aspect of this redesign was honoring the legacy of Dr. Andreas Gruentzig, the visionary pioneer behind balloon angioplasty, whose groundbreaking work laid the foundation for contemporary interventional cardiology. My approach focused on developing a visual identity that bridged tradition and innovation. The typography and design elements were carefully selected to reflect precision, expertise, and progress, ensuring the logo not only resonated with medical professionals but also aligned with the esteemed reputation of Emory’s program. Through thoughtful design choices, I created a logo that seamlessly integrates historical reverence with modern sophistication, reinforcing EPIC’s position as a leader in interventional medicine.


Alfie Rushen

Graphic Designer

Adarsha Gavião



No matter what happens to the technique, I have made one contribution, and that is allowing physicians to work within the coronary arteries of the awake, alert patient.

Dr. Andreas Gruentzig


Alfie Rushen

Graphic Designer

Adarsha Gavião



“No matter what happens to the technique, I have made one contribution, and that is allowing physicians to work within the coronary arteries of the awake, alert patient.”

Dr. Andreas Gruentzig